Friday, August 31, 2007

New effort

The balance in the association's account as of the 28th August 2007 was 367,420 kr.

At the last executive committee meeting, 16th August, the following minutes were recorded:
Present were: Thomas Bretton-Meyer, Niels Gade, Arne Larsen-Ledet, Helene Moodie, Martin Stockholm

Agenda for the meeting:
Following agenda for the meetings is established until further notice:

  1. Authorisation of last meeting's minutes.
  2. Follow up of action points.
  3. Budget check and economy, hereunder membership status and status of applications to foundations
  4. Contact to press.
  5. Coming membership activities
  6. Establish next meeting date.
  7. Diverse

Re point. 1:

Minutes of the exec. committee meeting #4 were reviewed and accepted.

Re point. 2:

Action points from meeting #1 were followed up:

Arne will make giro payment cards for the association which canbe mailed and attached to the folder and other material.

It was decided to wait with transfer of 10,000 kr for administrative purposes as we have received a number of dues payments.

Thomas has contacted Bent C Tryk (printer) re printing of a folder and other items. Thomas and Niels continue work on the folder.

Re point. 3.:

No new members since last meeting

Helene told that David has a contact (anonymous), who will give the association $ 1 for every $3 that the association receives from businesses. The anonymous donor will give up to $10.000 .

Arne will work further on the homepage.

No further foundations or funds have been applied to since last meeting.

Re point. 4.:

Thomas and Helene contact the press in connection with the ship's birthday (launched Aug 17th, 1912-- 95 yrs!) to again set focus on our project after the summer holiday period.

Re point. 5.:

Thomas will work on activities in connection with the birthday.

Re point. 6.:

Next meeting is Thursday Sept. 13th, 2000hrs on Fri.

Re point. 7.:

The ship's future was discussed. Helene suggested several uses for the ship( cargo, environmental ambassador, participation in organized sail events-- Nordic Sail, Limfjorden Around, or Fyn 'Round.

Thomas emphasized that the primary job is to preserve the ship so that it can sail.

It was a good discussion about the ship's future. A project in which Svendborg's friendship/sister cities could be involved was also discussed.

It was decided that the association's members will be decisive when it comes time to choose how to use the ship.

Helene told that David has raised 5,000 kr, which are earmarked. 2,000 will be used to "save" the mizzen mast, which is lying outdoors at the yard, and 200 liters of linseed oil will be bought in Sweden, which can be sold in small portions. Martin will buy small bottles. Thomas/Martin will make a label.

Martin will contact the firms Ramirent, Jelle Bo and others to get a price for a container to rent and a price for renting tarpaulins. We will try to get these costs covered by sponsors.

That's how it happened,

Martin Stockholm

We were about 10 souls who had a quiet birthday party on board. Thomas had arranged for sandwiches and drinks. I tried to make the point that the membership campaign, and thus the eventual purchase of the ship should be a high priority, as the ship, more than Ring Andersen's impatience is setting the agenda. The dear old lady badly needs to start on this revitalisation, beginning with a haulout to address some of the old bottom plank issues, which have been on the wish list for some years! There was no decision on setting a deadline fo fundraising, but it was agreed that all efforts should be focussed on the economy, and not on member activities, until the ship is purchased. There was general agreement that the aim should be to have the last of the fundraising home by the end of the fall. All were very encouraged by the offer of a matching grant of 1 for 3.
