Monday, April 30, 2007

Association Founded!

On Tuesday the 24th April a group of approximately 25 people of whom 18 were elligible to vote, chose to adopt the bylaws as presented. (a translated copy soon to come here!) The elected executive committee of 7 members:
Chairman, Thomas Bretton-Meyer, Coast skipper, teacher
Vice chair, Niels Gade, Captain, teacher
Secretary, Martin Stockholm, Maritime Center Coordinator, boatbuilder
Treasurer, Arne Larsen-Ledet, education functionary Svendborg township
Committee members, Bjarne Møldrup Christensen, Maritime engineer, teacher
Helene Tiama Moodie, Mate
Kaj Hansen, Electrician
Congratulations! Everyone seemed pleased that a homebaked Fri crew is on the committee!

The executive committee will hold its first meeting 10 May. Top of the agenda is to reach an agreement with the shipyard about the new date for reaching the purchase price.

Five new members joined during the evening.

It seems to me that the Executive committee has a breadth and depth, which should ennable it to reach out for new members, and an impressive professional set of credentials and experience, which should stand the ship in good stead. All people who are actively engaged in mucking around with boats! A good sign!

The Associations account stood at 226.000 kr. today.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Founding General Meeting Tonight

The association-to-be had 33 members registered and paid, with a total of 221,000 kr in the account today. Tonight at 7 pm (GMT +1) at the Maritime Center in Svendborg the first meeting of the association will be held, and it is expected that the group will adopt the by-laws suggested and amended by Thomas Bretton-Meyer (, lawyer Palle Petersen and a working group consisting of: Morten Eeg (, Thomas Dahl (, Bjarne Møldrup Kristensen (, and Arne Larsen-Ledet (

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Over 200,000 kr today

Short but sweet news today! The membership of Gustav Bretton Meyer, Thomas B-M's son, a First Mate in the Mærsk fleet put the account over 200,000 kr. today.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring News and Views 196,000kr balance!

Apologies for the long pause! Have just returned from a retreat in the mountains of NewHampshire, visiting my parents, Helene and Gordon Moodie. My mother had a stroke recently and I and Jane were able to help her with her physical thereapy, and also to relieve my dad, who had been carrying most of the care load himself. Brother Michael was there for a short visit too, good to see him again, the famous WWII Loran magician on our first passage to Hawaii, where there was system coverage. (He used the Loran to double check his faultless celestial navigation. --well almost faultless, we got there didn't we?) He could actually read out the gas bubbles which reckoned the millionths of a second difference in the transmitters' signals!

The email system in NH had some security problems, so though I could mail and receive, it was almost impossible to do anything else online.
Here's the Good News! As of today the association's account stood at 196,000 kr. Some exchange differences account for the uneven amount. We have 9!!!! new members from the California group, including ex crew and the owner of 'Fri' who sailed the ship from Copenhagen to San Francisco in 1969. Thanks to Norman de Vall and to John Sylvester of Marine Chartering Co. for their efforts. Norman, the skipper on their voyage and the initiator of that ambitious historical cargo passage, is planning to come to Denmark in Sept. and to bring substantial documentation of that voyage. John waxed poetic about life on board. ( see sideboard commentary)

While I was away Thomas Bretton-Meyer and a group of five Svendborg folk have also been busy. The shipyard has been apprised of progress and has not insisted on keeping a short leash on the project-- so the deadline for raising the money has been extended indefinitely, but not infinitely! I hope sincerely to have the money in place by the end of the summer.

Thomas and friends arranged an open ship over Easter and he said that he had never seen so many people come into Ring Andersen's to visit a ship. While there was order on deck, the ship is not in sailing trim! In fact the rig is in a hall, mostly.

People were given a realistic appraisal of the scope of the project. The power bilge pump was tested and worked fine! (Norman de Vall please note!) The number of people interested in the project continues to exceed greatly the number who have joined though! Thomas feels that this will change when the Association is founded, and all is legally in place. The lawyer helping us, Palle Petersen, has met with the working group and gone over the proposed by laws again. Palle will be the moderator at the founding meeting.

One of the Association's first members, Arne Larsen-Ledet, an employee in the town's education dept. has volunteered time and expertice in establishing a fine new website: where an elegantly organized menu awaits, including by laws, a history of the ship, a gallery of photos from the ship's entire life and much more. (Even a place where you can send a webcard with a picture of the ship-- pretty neat.) It has just come up on line, and lacked a bit of input from me, so we hope to do some corrections when Arne comes home from a short holiday at the end of this week. Will be putting captions on the photos. This site is at this time only in Danish... so if you want to learn what the Vikings are saying, tune in!

The founding general meeting will be April 24th at 7pm at the Maritime Center in Svendborg.
Thomas is optimistic and has plans for all sorts of maritime activities around the ship. The working group has also introduced an offer for students. You can be a member without paying, but then work the price off over a period of time, with volunteer labor!

We have however still to address the problem of how to bring people together who can't afford a whole membership. That will have to wait until the founding meeting.

After the founding meeting we will also be asking all members for permission to publish their names, or perhaps making it part of the bylaws that membership is open to public scrutiny.
Any feedback on that? Experience from other associations? Should it just be the executive committee which is public? Why not everyone, we're not talking of millions of members!

Other good news! My dear daughter Helene Tiama Moodie passed her mates exams at the Enkhuisen Navigation School in Holland, and is now working as an able bodied sea-person! on board the three mast full rigger 'Sørlandet' in Christiansand, Norway--- Congratulations, Helene! Her boyfriend Paul Janssen of Dordrecht, Netherlands has been promoted to Bosun on board the full rigger 'Stad Amsterdam'. He is currently out on the mole in Horta, Azores looking for the 'Fri' painting we did on the sea wall there in 1987. Helene helped paint that-- she was 6 at the time! Ain't that a kick with all those full riggers out there waiting for 'Fri' to come out and work again-- and play a little!

The founding general meeting will be April 24th at 7pm at the Maritime Center in Svendborg