Thomas Bretton-Meyer has called a meeting for those who have joined thus far, to be held this Thursday the 22nd March at the Maritime Center. They will discuss strategy and sharing jobs in the ongoing membership drive. It has been recognised that the goal of reaching 650,000 kr. in under a month was unrealistic. The shipyard has said that they are willing to let the project continue, as it does look very promising. The following announcement from the bank will also be on the agenda, as the date of March 30 must be renegotiated with parties having deposited money:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: Sejlskibsforeningen "Anne Margrethe"
I forbindelse med foreningens opstart er der etableret en konto med 0815 og konto nr. 0000836222, hvor eventuelle interesserede kan indbetale deres indskud.
In connection with the formation of the association ’Anne Margrethe’ an account with reg. no. 0815, and acct. no. 0000836222 has been established, where interested new members can pay their deposit.
Der kan alene indbetales på kontoen indtil der indestår kr. 650.000, dog senest d. 30-03- 2007. Såfremt der d. 30.03 ikke er opnået et indestående på det ønskede beløb, skal alle indskydere have deres indskud tilbagebetalt. Det er derfor vigtigt at navn og adresse opgives ved indbetaling.
Med venlig hilsen
Trine Lyngs Pytlick
Direkte tlf. 6217 6539
This is therefore also to notify all depositors that the original conditions are being renegotiated and require a response accordingly.
The meeting will take stock and try to reach agreement on a new date for reaching the goal of the purchase sum, and when to hold the founding general meeting, and if that meeting can take place before the full amount of the purchase fund is reached. It could mean that fund raising in the association's name could begin, but only for funds to purchase the ship.
The meeting will also seek statements from supporters to be used in the ongoing outreach-- why this is a project worthy of supporting!
I will be in NH for three weeks from the 20th March until the 11th of April, to be with my mother who is recovering from a stroke. I can check my regular email at david@moodie-mobiles .dk and see if there are any of you who need to contact me directly there.
Let's keep this looking good! Thomas is also cooking up courses for members of the association, for example in the care and knowledge of wood, in ropemaking, smithing, and other delicacies of the wooden ship world.
Svendborg Sparekasse, our bank, reports that there have been numerous visitors to the exhibition in the bank, which I updated today with some archival photos of the rigging of a new jibboom and refurbished bowsprit in 1996, using traditional rigging techniques, according to the old Danish sailor's "bible" Jens Kusk. Pia Jensen, the bank's private customer chief helped rearrange the exhibition, so that it works better visually for visitors. Thanks Pia!
We wish the meeting on Thursday good inspiration, and look forward to hearing what the outcome will be. We also expect that there will be more new members at the end of the month!