Fyns Amst Avis (
Positive Reaction about saving ‘Fri’
Already 50,000 kr. in the bank
Svendborg: "The possibility of getting a real Svendborg ship, owned by Svendborg, is within reach,” Thomas Bretton-Meyer said, after an orientation meeting about the rescue action for the ketch ‘Fri’ last night in the Maritime Center. Over 30 positively minded folk attended the thorough orientation on the whole project. The idea is to have at least 120 private persons, firms and institutions to pay 5,000 kr. deposits for memberships. In that way the association can acquire the vessel, which was launched from J. Ring-Andersens Shipyard as ‘Anne Margrethe’.
The association thereafter will raise money by applying to foundations to support the renovation, which will make the vessel seaworthy, so that it can represent Svendborg as a maritime town.
Thomas Bretton-Meyer is pleased that 50,000 kr. has already been deposited in the newly opened escrow account at Svendborg Sparekasse.
Many in Svendborg have shown interest in the project, both in and outside the maritime circuit. One shipowner has deposited for three shares.
So, now the weeks until March 21 are the deciding moments of this effort. It was really encouraging to see who was at the meeting. I must say it was in the spirit of 'Fri' with a cross section of the community.... people from the waterfront including skippers from charter and historical vessels, a successful cargo and services shipowner of large vessels, shipwrights, an official from the town's schools, small shipowners and musicians, a wealthy and eccentric doctor who also owns a smaller historical vessel, and several people totally outside the waterfront community- just interested in a challenging project!
People were given a complete run through of the basic by-laws proposed and the mechanism of the purchase, with the escrow account holding membership deposits at Svendborg Sparekasse, which money is refundable and only administered by the bank until the 650,000 kr purchase price is reached. Then an agreement must be signed by Ring Andersens Shipyard and myself for the turning over of the ship to the association. The founding meeting of the Association was announced as March 21st.A curious and informed questioning followed the presentation by Thomas Bretton-Meyer. I was able to give a complete rundown on the extensive repairs made to the ship since 1981 in Amsterdam where the entire deck and its substructure was renewed. Then a period from 1990 to 2004 at Ring Andersens where the entire freeboard of the ship down to several planks under the waterline has been renewed including many frames and stanchions as well. Also the transom has been completely rebuilt. The hull has been certified by inspectors from the Danish Søfartsstyrelsen (Maritime Agency) as conforming to the standards of a Danish registered vessel of a similar age, in 1997, and that the ship after registration in 2000 in the Danish ship's registry, passed her first underwater state inspection with ordinary remarks about a regime of renewal already underway.
An experienced local sail captain in the charter and young persons rehabilitation business interrupted Thomas Bretton-Meyer's sales pitch towards the end of the meeting and said "Thomas, stop! You've already sold us, this is a good project and we support it!" A round of applause was given to Thomas. So when we counted twenty one addresses and signatures on the list which went around the meeting, we feel certain that there are not only most who will give a deposit, but also many ready to put out the word to others and get the job done!
I wanted to let you all know that the efforts of 'Fri' folk around the world were also mentioned at the meeting, and got a laugh when Thomas had to admit that Gilbert and Marie Nicolas' Friends of Fri Association, with their gift of 30,000 kr made the international community the leader at this point in the project!
I told about the group gathering memberships in NZ http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/tiama/ , and the efforts in San Francisco, and that we have members coming from Hong Kong and the UK and Germany. I also was happy to announce that Jørgen, the grandson of the first skipper, Claus Grastrup, has offered to send the original charcoal drawing of the ship and other memorabilia from his family. These will be exhibited at Svendborg Sparekasse during this membership drive.
There was a very positive atmosphere, and several of those in attendance came with news of others who've already said yes to contribute and join. Thomas left the next afternoon to attend the Danish Navigator's Association annual general meeting--- they are the captains who sail the coasters and bulk carriers, ferries and giant container ships. His son is a member and sails with Mærsk. We expect a number of memberships to come from their ranks. I gave Helene Tiama's apology for her not being able to attend, and told of her efforts to gather members from her former crewmates on the schoolship Georg Stage. Liv Anne Margrethe was present at the meeting too.
The following address has been established as a forum for Fri people during this transition at least!
A little background about Fri in Danish and English and info about my Christiansborg ship mobile to support the project is at www.Free-fri.dk
We're hoping for a genuine international response for this great effort to preserve a very unusual vessel and create a viable future for her! Thanks to Thomas Bretton-Meyer at j.tbm@nypost.dk !
Wouldent it be an idea, to make it possible to download the legal papers of the association? I would prefer to know exactly what i'm signing up to, before i deposit the money?
yes, it would be a very good idea. How do we do that? I have translated them from Danish and have a doc file...
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