Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting of the Sailing Ship Anne Margrethe Association
15th May 2007
Participating: Thomas Bretton Meyer, Niels Gade, Kaj Hansen, Arne Larsen Ledet, Bjarne Møldrup
Not in attendence: Martin Stockholm, Helene Moodie
1.Founding General Meeting and the new steering committee
All expressed satisfaction with the successful way the meeting developed.
- A few errors crept into the first newsletter sent the 10th of May. Arne will correct them.
- The Association has finally gotten an SE number (financial registration with the tax authorities) It is registered on the association’s bank account. Arne is working on establishing a netbank for the association.
- We’ve received an email about Helene’s future participation in the steering committee’s work. Thomas will contact Helene and follow up on the mail.
2. Reporter and meeting protocol
As the secretary was absent these minutes were written by Bjarne Møldrup. Until a meeting protocol can be established on a closed page on the Association’s website, Thomas will make a ringbinder as meeting protocol. These meeting minutes will be sent to steering committee members, and Arne will send them on to members.
3. Homepage. How we best use it.
The website is important for our communication with members. Arne is sweating and busting butt to make it as user-friendly and informative as possible. We’re working on the following:
- “Translation” (transcription so it is readable) of the original building contract of the ship. Any volunteers? David has promised to make an English translation.
- Arne is checking on the possibility for banner ads
- A members only part of the site should be established with log-on function.
- A membership list and debate forum will be here. (on that member’s page)
- Following email addresses will be set up:
info@annemargrethe.dk as public contact to the association¨
nyheder@annemargrethe.dk sent to all members- news
bestyrelsen@annemargrethe.dk sent to all steering comm. members
4. Membership list and mail list. 4.A Collection of Dues
Arne will update the mail list, which will be set in the members’ only page of the website. All members who have provided an address will be sent minutes and other information. Collection of dues. Arne will send a Giro card to members. Dues will be collected in two ½ yearly installments of 400 kr. each.
5. How do we get new members?
Each steering committee member has the goal of recruiting 5 new members
Thomas and Niels will try to get companies as members. These can well pay more than 5,000 kr.
Kaj will try to make a link from Thurø Sail Club and encourage TSK members to become members.
Thomas will work on making a folder about membership and a sticker with “We support Anne Margrethe”.
We will offer new members the possibility of paying their deposit in five installments.
Arne and Niels will investigate advertising things to sell from the website.
6. Planning and good ideas for the future.
As it will be a while before we can gather around the ship, it’s important that we establish sociability for members in other ways.
-Niels and Thomas will come with suggestions for courses to offer.
-Over the summer there will be at least two arrangements, for example
A lecture.
An outing to the ‘Loa’ ship project in Ålborg.
-A sail outing possibly to Ærø to visit Bonavista
7. Contact to Peter Ring-Andersen
Thomas will contact him to get the future cleared up. The goal is to get a written declaration of intent with purchase conditions.
8.Exhibition in Svendborg Sparekasse (savings bank)
Niels will check the possibility for getting the exhibition set up in the Town Library. Thomas will photograph the exhibition for the website.
9 PR, Radio, TV and other.
We must check out the possibilities for getting one of the TV stations to follow the renovation of the ship. Niels will contack Thomas Dal.
Thomas will be responsible for ongoing coverage in the press.
10. Invitation to apply for a legate from Birgitte Bruun’s family Fund
Birgitte Bruun has invited us to apply to her family fund for a legate. The application must be in hand by the 24th of May. Bjarne and Thomas will meet her on the 17th.
11. Other ideas.
There were no other new ideas.
12. Other and Diverse
The next meeting will be the 29th of May at the
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