Wednesday, February 28, 2007

With individual permission from you we will add your address and email to the list of Fri Addresses

We hope that the site will give people the chance from the crews of (for example) PLENTY International Caribbean 1983 to be in touch with the OOA tour crews from Denmark in 1980, or the HK crew to Singapore in '76 to be in touch with the Maputo to Cornwall crew in '78-79.
(originally uploaded saturday, february 24, 2007)
A complete list, more or less, will let us and others appreciate the wealth of experience and geography we share. Although the focus of this blog is preserving 'Fri', it is obvious that the story is mostly about people-- people PUMPING! No, no kidding, it's a story of care obviously, for each other and the planet, and the ship was the vessel of that care!

Voilá! Saving the ship may give us the chance to rekindle contacts, tell stories about intercultural marriages and the many kids who've come into this world because of the voyages of 'Fri'! And to be a link to the incredibly diverse and quite astoundingly positive contributions people have made with their lives since serving on 'Fri'.

Hope people will be honored to join this list and keep 'Fri' alive in that way.
PS Note the little envelope below right, with it you can send this post to someone you think might like or need to be on the list!

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