Orientation Meeting Feb. 28, 1900 hrs Maritime Center, Svendborg
Orientation Meeting! Future of the Ring Andersen schooner 'Anne Margrethe' builder's no. 112 of 1912
Wednesday, 28th Feb. 2007 at the Maritime Center in Svendborg
1900 hrs.
Organizer Thomas Bretton-Meyer will give an update on membership in the new association being formed to buy the ketch 'Fri', ex 'Anne Margrethe' of Haderslev, ex 'Knudsine' of Vejle, ex 'Elsbeth' of Vejle, ex 'Sølyst' of Grenaa, ex 'Fri af Aalborg', ex 'Fri of San Francisco'.
Proposed by-laws of the association under formation, and rules about the secure "escrow" account for membership deposits will be presented. Svendborg Sparekasse has agreed to administer the account, in which deposits cannot be touched until the association has been formed and an agreement reached between the association and the owner about purchase of the ship. Founding general meeting is expected to be announced-- 21st March 2007.
Thomas Bretton-Meyer has plumbed the local waters and found tremendous interest in this Svendborg project. The oldest of Ring Andersen's ships under the Danish flag needs a new owner to sail her into Svendborg's future! This meeting will focus on how local fund raising can secure the ship's future here in conjunction with the Maritime Center.
The meeting will highlight how this project can help set the standard for realization of a new chapter in the Maritime Centers activities in cooperation with Svendborg Tourist Office. Visions for an active Maritime Center, where 'Fri'/'Anne Margrethe' can be a kind of trademark for the town will also be presented.
The meeting will bring a wide variety of interests in the town together in support of a proud tradition. 'Fri' was built byJohannes Ring Andersen, the son of the founder Jørgen Ring Andersen, whose great grandson Peter Ring-Andersen has maintained and renewed the ship at the yard for the last nearly twenty years. Peter's father Jørgen Ring-Andersen welcomed the ship home in Sept. 1987 and was always helpful in historical matters concerning the ship, including sharing books from the shipyard's library and being interviewed for an extensive article about the shipyard, whichMoodie wrote for the well known American magazine Wooden Boat.
A short video appeal from owner David Moodie will be shown, which includes pictures and a quick sketch of the ship's unique history. Historical documents among the extraordinary collection held by the owner and the shipyard will be displayed.
All are welcome, also with ideas about how this project can be something special for us in Svendborg, and help to present what is special about Svendborg to the rest of the world!
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