Thursday, September 13, 2007

New member in Alaska!

The membership payment for Patricia Moodie, my carpenter and everything possible sister, who lives in North Pole, Alaska, was registered today. The Association's account is thus 372,420 kr. Welcome Pat!

Sept. 6 was another anniversary. The ship's Bilbrev, a kind of deed, from the shipbuilder to the original owner, Claus Grastrup, upon delivery of the ship, is dated Sept. 6, 1912-- 95 years ago. A little coffee and cake meeting was held on board, a sunny Sept evening. I tried to give the members a little background about the ship's special relationship to boundaries! I told about the Danish/German boundary in southern Jutland in 1912, which meant that the Danish speaking skipper lived in northernmost Germany, and the ship was therefor registered in Germany until 1922, when the Danes voted to be part of Denmark again after the 1st World War. Also I told about the boundary between sail and diesel, very much under change in 1912, but Claus Grastrup, the skipper/owner ordered a pure sailing vessel, and in 1925 he chose to go ashore instead of sailing with an auxilliary motor! Also a short mention of 1912 as a milestone year in which the Danish physicist Niels Bohr published equations marking some of the most important discoveries into atomic physics.

The steering committee is out working hard to find business members, for whom the Association will receive 1 dollar for every three dollars raised. The matching grant is for up to 10,000 dollars.
This is intended to help get the Association over the top with its fundraising so that the ownership can be transferred and foundations can be applied to for the renovation and preservation funds necessary to get the ship sailing again.

Friday, August 31, 2007

New effort

The balance in the association's account as of the 28th August 2007 was 367,420 kr.

At the last executive committee meeting, 16th August, the following minutes were recorded:
Present were: Thomas Bretton-Meyer, Niels Gade, Arne Larsen-Ledet, Helene Moodie, Martin Stockholm

Agenda for the meeting:
Following agenda for the meetings is established until further notice:

  1. Authorisation of last meeting's minutes.
  2. Follow up of action points.
  3. Budget check and economy, hereunder membership status and status of applications to foundations
  4. Contact to press.
  5. Coming membership activities
  6. Establish next meeting date.
  7. Diverse

Re point. 1:

Minutes of the exec. committee meeting #4 were reviewed and accepted.

Re point. 2:

Action points from meeting #1 were followed up:

Arne will make giro payment cards for the association which canbe mailed and attached to the folder and other material.

It was decided to wait with transfer of 10,000 kr for administrative purposes as we have received a number of dues payments.

Thomas has contacted Bent C Tryk (printer) re printing of a folder and other items. Thomas and Niels continue work on the folder.

Re point. 3.:

No new members since last meeting

Helene told that David has a contact (anonymous), who will give the association $ 1 for every $3 that the association receives from businesses. The anonymous donor will give up to $10.000 .

Arne will work further on the homepage.

No further foundations or funds have been applied to since last meeting.

Re point. 4.:

Thomas and Helene contact the press in connection with the ship's birthday (launched Aug 17th, 1912-- 95 yrs!) to again set focus on our project after the summer holiday period.

Re point. 5.:

Thomas will work on activities in connection with the birthday.

Re point. 6.:

Next meeting is Thursday Sept. 13th, 2000hrs on Fri.

Re point. 7.:

The ship's future was discussed. Helene suggested several uses for the ship( cargo, environmental ambassador, participation in organized sail events-- Nordic Sail, Limfjorden Around, or Fyn 'Round.

Thomas emphasized that the primary job is to preserve the ship so that it can sail.

It was a good discussion about the ship's future. A project in which Svendborg's friendship/sister cities could be involved was also discussed.

It was decided that the association's members will be decisive when it comes time to choose how to use the ship.

Helene told that David has raised 5,000 kr, which are earmarked. 2,000 will be used to "save" the mizzen mast, which is lying outdoors at the yard, and 200 liters of linseed oil will be bought in Sweden, which can be sold in small portions. Martin will buy small bottles. Thomas/Martin will make a label.

Martin will contact the firms Ramirent, Jelle Bo and others to get a price for a container to rent and a price for renting tarpaulins. We will try to get these costs covered by sponsors.

That's how it happened,

Martin Stockholm

We were about 10 souls who had a quiet birthday party on board. Thomas had arranged for sandwiches and drinks. I tried to make the point that the membership campaign, and thus the eventual purchase of the ship should be a high priority, as the ship, more than Ring Andersen's impatience is setting the agenda. The dear old lady badly needs to start on this revitalisation, beginning with a haulout to address some of the old bottom plank issues, which have been on the wish list for some years! There was no decision on setting a deadline fo fundraising, but it was agreed that all efforts should be focussed on the economy, and not on member activities, until the ship is purchased. There was general agreement that the aim should be to have the last of the fundraising home by the end of the fall. All were very encouraged by the offer of a matching grant of 1 for 3.


Friday, June 15, 2007

New Balance in the Association Account: 357,000 kr.

The 100,000 kr. legate from Ragnhild Bruun's Fund has officially been tallied in the Association's escrow account towards the purchase of the ship. The current balance is 357,000 kr. Thanks to Ragnhild Bruun's Fund!

The minutes of the second Steering committee meeting from 29 May are posted here, and include interesting events planned for the summer.

Other interesting news includes the forthcoming visit of the former owner of 'Fri', Norman de Vall of San Francisco, from whom I and my brothers bought 'Fri' in 1971. Norman plans to come in September, and will be bringing picture and other documentation of his epic cargo passage from N. Europe to San Francisco in 1969. Ideas for other events in connection with his visit are already bubbling here, what about there?

Minutes/ Decisions of Sailship Association Anne Margrethe Steering Committee Meeting No. 2, 29 May, 2007 Meeting held at the Maritime Center

Present at the meeting:

Thomas Bretton-Meyer

Niels Gade

Arne Larsen-Ledet

Martin Stockholm

Absent (excused)

Kaj Hansen

Bjarne Møldrup.

Helene Moodie.


Thomas promised to send agenda via email so I don’t have to use time transcribing.

Re. Point 1

Follow up of items on last agenda

Arne will send an updated membership list to Thomas

Thomas will bring the list up to date further with contact info (tel. no., Email , addresses)

Membership dues to be 800 kr. yearly, due in ½ yearly payments

Niels told that he has gotten an association to be a member of Anne Margrethe Assoc.

Thomas is in contact with Bent C Printers re. a folder. He and Niels will be responsible for making the folder.

Re. Point 2

The internet homepage is functioning and Arne will continue developing it. ( ed: only in Danish, but English version coming soon)

Re. Point 3

It was decided that Thomas will continue working with the membership list, hereunder the email list.

It was decided that the steering committee receives copies of the minutes and that a special newsletter (ed: referring to the minutes) will be sent to members and people on the newsletter list.

Re. Point 4

Working with Svendborg Sparekasse, Arne will follow up and get a dues payment mail system established.

Re. Point 5

Our exhibition in Svendborg Sparekasse has been moved to the Svendborg Library.

It was decided to hold a member meeting at the Maritime Center possibly with Jes Kroman from the Ship Preservation Fund (Skibsbevaringsfonden). Thomas will follow up on the idea.

Re. Point 6

Thomas will contact Lars Giver of Production Highschool’s Media dept. and propose making a film about Anne Margrethe and the restoration work.

Martin will contact Denmark Radio (ed.: also includes TV) which will be sending from Honor Quay and the Maritime Center in the summer holiday, about making an item about ‘Anne Margrethe’. ‘Anne Margrethe’ will be moved to Honor Quay and an “Open Ship” will be held. July 12th is the tentative date.

It was decided to hold a cleanup day on the ship for members. Thomas and David will contact Peter Ring Andersen concerning possibilities and practicalities (i.e. waste disposal and towing)

Sunday, 24th June was chosen for Cleanup Day.

Re. Point 7

Thomas informed that Ragnhild Bruun’s Fond contributed a 100,000 kr. legate to the Association. Various ideas for using the funds were discussed and it was decided to use the money towards the purchase of the ship. The idea is to buy the ship as soon as possible, and afterwards, a corresponding sum of money raised from the continued membership drive can be used for other purposes.

Re. Point 8 & 9

It was decided not to start a “friends association” yet, but to wait until the ship is purchased and restoration has begun.

Arne told about the Association’s first “aspirant” (ed: a person who is willing to do voluntary work in exchange for membership) Ditte Røjkjær, who wants to work actively on the restoration.

So it happened at the meeting.

Martin Stockholm


Translated by David Moodie

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Minutes of the First Steering Committee Meeting

Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting of the Sailing Ship Anne Margrethe Association

15th May 2007

Participating: Thomas Bretton Meyer, Niels Gade, Kaj Hansen, Arne Larsen Ledet, Bjarne Møldrup

Not in attendence: Martin Stockholm, Helene Moodie


1.Founding General Meeting and the new steering committee

All expressed satisfaction with the successful way the meeting developed.

- A few errors crept into the first newsletter sent the 10th of May. Arne will correct them.

- The Association has finally gotten an SE number (financial registration with the tax authorities) It is registered on the association’s bank account. Arne is working on establishing a netbank for the association.

- We’ve received an email about Helene’s future participation in the steering committee’s work. Thomas will contact Helene and follow up on the mail.

2. Reporter and meeting protocol

As the secretary was absent these minutes were written by Bjarne Møldrup. Until a meeting protocol can be established on a closed page on the Association’s website, Thomas will make a ringbinder as meeting protocol. These meeting minutes will be sent to steering committee members, and Arne will send them on to members.

3. Homepage. How we best use it.

The website is important for our communication with members. Arne is sweating and busting butt to make it as user-friendly and informative as possible. We’re working on the following:

- “Translation” (transcription so it is readable) of the original building contract of the ship. Any volunteers? David has promised to make an English translation.

- Arne is checking on the possibility for banner ads

- A members only part of the site should be established with log-on function.

- A membership list and debate forum will be here. (on that member’s page)

- Following email addresses will be set up: as public contact to the association¨ sent to all members- news sent to all steering comm. members

4. Membership list and mail list. 4.A Collection of Dues

Arne will update the mail list, which will be set in the members’ only page of the website. All members who have provided an address will be sent minutes and other information. Collection of dues. Arne will send a Giro card to members. Dues will be collected in two ½ yearly installments of 400 kr. each.

5. How do we get new members?

Each steering committee member has the goal of recruiting 5 new members

Thomas and Niels will try to get companies as members. These can well pay more than 5,000 kr.

Kaj will try to make a link from Thurø Sail Club and encourage TSK members to become members.

Thomas will work on making a folder about membership and a sticker with “We support Anne Margrethe”.

We will offer new members the possibility of paying their deposit in five installments.

Arne and Niels will investigate advertising things to sell from the website.

6. Planning and good ideas for the future.

As it will be a while before we can gather around the ship, it’s important that we establish sociability for members in other ways.

-Niels and Thomas will come with suggestions for courses to offer.

-Over the summer there will be at least two arrangements, for example

A lecture.

An outing to the ‘Loa’ ship project in Ålborg.

-A sail outing possibly to Ærø to visit Bonavista

7. Contact to Peter Ring-Andersen

Thomas will contact him to get the future cleared up. The goal is to get a written declaration of intent with purchase conditions.

8.Exhibition in Svendborg Sparekasse (savings bank)

Niels will check the possibility for getting the exhibition set up in the Town Library. Thomas will photograph the exhibition for the website.

9 PR, Radio, TV and other.

We must check out the possibilities for getting one of the TV stations to follow the renovation of the ship. Niels will contack Thomas Dal.

Thomas will be responsible for ongoing coverage in the press.

10. Invitation to apply for a legate from Birgitte Bruun’s family Fund

Birgitte Bruun has invited us to apply to her family fund for a legate. The application must be in hand by the 24th of May. Bjarne and Thomas will meet her on the 17th.

11. Other ideas.

There were no other new ideas.

12. Other and Diverse

The next meeting will be the 29th of May at the Maritime Center.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Orietta Sloth, one of our Peace Odyssey crew from NZ all the way through to HK, 1974 - 1976 and a dear old friend, put the membership account over 250,000 kr. with her membership. Welcome Orietta! The balance stands at 256,000 kr. this weekend.

Gilbert Nicolas, the Frenchman who sailed the whole passage from NZ to arrest at Moruroa formed a Friends of Fri group in Bretagne, many years ago, and has been a faithful supporter and believer in the Fri story all these years. Les Amis du Fri have contributed 40,000 kr. to the membership appeal. They have just sent an additional 8,000 kr. to be used for the ship itself. I thought that it might be a good idea to try to do a basic video documentary of the ship as it is now, before any changes the association might want to make.

I would like to "video and tell" from one end of the ship to the other. The 8,000 kr. could cover professional help and materials to get the story "in the can". Editing and making it into something useful can come later. There are so many precious things from so many chapters in our part of her long story, and stories we've been told by the first owner's daughter and other crew from times past, stories connected to bits of the ship... stories which shouldn't be lost.
The Association applied to the Ragnhild Bruun Fund for money and just got notified that the Association has received a grant of 100,000 kr. with no conditions attached. Thomas Bretton Meyer, the chairman, feels that the money should be put into the membership account towards the purchase of the ship, and can be used for other purposes when the membership drive is complete. This is a big break!

Henk Haazen, one of the gallant gang from the PLENTY International and Nicaragua Peace Fleet projects in 1982-84 has just got his email list up and running again, after a salt water encounter at sea on board his beautiful 'Tiama' Charter Yacht ( --'Tiama' and Henk sail to some of the most remote and screaming 50's islands in the world, as well as Antarctica, Aussi and NZ)....and has circulated an appeal to Fri friends in NZ. They have started an account towards the purchase of memberships there. They have a balance of 2500 NZD.

I am waiting for the minutes of the first executive committee meeting from Thomas, and will translate and send them out from here.

Apologies for the long pause, my own computer has been destructively creative, and my mail list also is down... help!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Association Founded!

On Tuesday the 24th April a group of approximately 25 people of whom 18 were elligible to vote, chose to adopt the bylaws as presented. (a translated copy soon to come here!) The elected executive committee of 7 members:
Chairman, Thomas Bretton-Meyer, Coast skipper, teacher
Vice chair, Niels Gade, Captain, teacher
Secretary, Martin Stockholm, Maritime Center Coordinator, boatbuilder
Treasurer, Arne Larsen-Ledet, education functionary Svendborg township
Committee members, Bjarne Møldrup Christensen, Maritime engineer, teacher
Helene Tiama Moodie, Mate
Kaj Hansen, Electrician
Congratulations! Everyone seemed pleased that a homebaked Fri crew is on the committee!

The executive committee will hold its first meeting 10 May. Top of the agenda is to reach an agreement with the shipyard about the new date for reaching the purchase price.

Five new members joined during the evening.

It seems to me that the Executive committee has a breadth and depth, which should ennable it to reach out for new members, and an impressive professional set of credentials and experience, which should stand the ship in good stead. All people who are actively engaged in mucking around with boats! A good sign!

The Associations account stood at 226.000 kr. today.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Founding General Meeting Tonight

The association-to-be had 33 members registered and paid, with a total of 221,000 kr in the account today. Tonight at 7 pm (GMT +1) at the Maritime Center in Svendborg the first meeting of the association will be held, and it is expected that the group will adopt the by-laws suggested and amended by Thomas Bretton-Meyer (, lawyer Palle Petersen and a working group consisting of: Morten Eeg (, Thomas Dahl (, Bjarne Møldrup Kristensen (, and Arne Larsen-Ledet (

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Over 200,000 kr today

Short but sweet news today! The membership of Gustav Bretton Meyer, Thomas B-M's son, a First Mate in the Mærsk fleet put the account over 200,000 kr. today.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring News and Views 196,000kr balance!

Apologies for the long pause! Have just returned from a retreat in the mountains of NewHampshire, visiting my parents, Helene and Gordon Moodie. My mother had a stroke recently and I and Jane were able to help her with her physical thereapy, and also to relieve my dad, who had been carrying most of the care load himself. Brother Michael was there for a short visit too, good to see him again, the famous WWII Loran magician on our first passage to Hawaii, where there was system coverage. (He used the Loran to double check his faultless celestial navigation. --well almost faultless, we got there didn't we?) He could actually read out the gas bubbles which reckoned the millionths of a second difference in the transmitters' signals!

The email system in NH had some security problems, so though I could mail and receive, it was almost impossible to do anything else online.
Here's the Good News! As of today the association's account stood at 196,000 kr. Some exchange differences account for the uneven amount. We have 9!!!! new members from the California group, including ex crew and the owner of 'Fri' who sailed the ship from Copenhagen to San Francisco in 1969. Thanks to Norman de Vall and to John Sylvester of Marine Chartering Co. for their efforts. Norman, the skipper on their voyage and the initiator of that ambitious historical cargo passage, is planning to come to Denmark in Sept. and to bring substantial documentation of that voyage. John waxed poetic about life on board. ( see sideboard commentary)

While I was away Thomas Bretton-Meyer and a group of five Svendborg folk have also been busy. The shipyard has been apprised of progress and has not insisted on keeping a short leash on the project-- so the deadline for raising the money has been extended indefinitely, but not infinitely! I hope sincerely to have the money in place by the end of the summer.

Thomas and friends arranged an open ship over Easter and he said that he had never seen so many people come into Ring Andersen's to visit a ship. While there was order on deck, the ship is not in sailing trim! In fact the rig is in a hall, mostly.

People were given a realistic appraisal of the scope of the project. The power bilge pump was tested and worked fine! (Norman de Vall please note!) The number of people interested in the project continues to exceed greatly the number who have joined though! Thomas feels that this will change when the Association is founded, and all is legally in place. The lawyer helping us, Palle Petersen, has met with the working group and gone over the proposed by laws again. Palle will be the moderator at the founding meeting.

One of the Association's first members, Arne Larsen-Ledet, an employee in the town's education dept. has volunteered time and expertice in establishing a fine new website: where an elegantly organized menu awaits, including by laws, a history of the ship, a gallery of photos from the ship's entire life and much more. (Even a place where you can send a webcard with a picture of the ship-- pretty neat.) It has just come up on line, and lacked a bit of input from me, so we hope to do some corrections when Arne comes home from a short holiday at the end of this week. Will be putting captions on the photos. This site is at this time only in Danish... so if you want to learn what the Vikings are saying, tune in!

The founding general meeting will be April 24th at 7pm at the Maritime Center in Svendborg.
Thomas is optimistic and has plans for all sorts of maritime activities around the ship. The working group has also introduced an offer for students. You can be a member without paying, but then work the price off over a period of time, with volunteer labor!

We have however still to address the problem of how to bring people together who can't afford a whole membership. That will have to wait until the founding meeting.

After the founding meeting we will also be asking all members for permission to publish their names, or perhaps making it part of the bylaws that membership is open to public scrutiny.
Any feedback on that? Experience from other associations? Should it just be the executive committee which is public? Why not everyone, we're not talking of millions of members!

Other good news! My dear daughter Helene Tiama Moodie passed her mates exams at the Enkhuisen Navigation School in Holland, and is now working as an able bodied sea-person! on board the three mast full rigger 'Sørlandet' in Christiansand, Norway--- Congratulations, Helene! Her boyfriend Paul Janssen of Dordrecht, Netherlands has been promoted to Bosun on board the full rigger 'Stad Amsterdam'. He is currently out on the mole in Horta, Azores looking for the 'Fri' painting we did on the sea wall there in 1987. Helene helped paint that-- she was 6 at the time! Ain't that a kick with all those full riggers out there waiting for 'Fri' to come out and work again-- and play a little!

The founding general meeting will be April 24th at 7pm at the Maritime Center in Svendborg

Monday, March 19, 2007

Working Group to be Established

As of the 18th of March there was a 105,000 kr balance in the membership account, but due to a little mistake in the account no. some supporters got, there are a number of memberships paid, which didn't come through yet. These should put the balance at over 120,000 kr during the week.

Thomas Bretton-Meyer has called a meeting for those who have joined thus far, to be held this Thursday the 22nd March at the Maritime Center. They will discuss strategy and sharing jobs in the ongoing membership drive. It has been recognised that the goal of reaching 650,000 kr. in under a month was unrealistic. The shipyard has said that they are willing to let the project continue, as it does look very promising. The following announcement from the bank will also be on the agenda, as the date of March 30 must be renegotiated with parties having deposited money:

----- Original Message -----




Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:35 PM

Subject: Sejlskibsforeningen "Anne Margrethe"

I forbindelse med foreningens opstart er der etableret en konto med 0815 og konto nr. 0000836222, hvor eventuelle interesserede kan indbetale deres indskud.

In connection with the formation of the association ’Anne Margrethe’ an account with reg. no. 0815, and acct. no. 0000836222 has been established, where interested new members can pay their deposit.

Der kan alene indbetales på kontoen indtil der indestår kr. 650.000, dog senest d. 30-03- 2007. Såfremt der d. 30.03 ikke er opnået et indestående på det ønskede beløb, skal alle indskydere have deres indskud tilbagebetalt. Det er derfor vigtigt at navn og adresse opgives ved indbetaling.

Payments can only be made until the ceiling of 650,000 kr is reached, though at the latest 30th March, 2007. In the case that the sum is not reached by the 30th March, 2007 all deposits will be repaid. It is therefore important that name and address accompany deposits.

Med venlig hilsen
Trine Lyngs Pytlick
Direkte tlf. 6217 6539

This is therefore also to notify all depositors that the original conditions are being renegotiated and require a response accordingly.

The meeting will take stock and try to reach agreement on a new date for reaching the goal of the purchase sum, and when to hold the founding general meeting, and if that meeting can take place before the full amount of the purchase fund is reached. It could mean that fund raising in the association's name could begin, but only for funds to purchase the ship.

The meeting will also seek statements from supporters to be used in the ongoing outreach-- why this is a project worthy of supporting!

I will be in NH for three weeks from the 20th March until the 11th of April, to be with my mother who is recovering from a stroke. I can check my regular email at david@moodie-mobiles .dk and see if there are any of you who need to contact me directly there.

Let's keep this looking good! Thomas is also cooking up courses for members of the association, for example in the care and knowledge of wood, in ropemaking, smithing, and other delicacies of the wooden ship world.

Svendborg Sparekasse, our bank, reports that there have been numerous visitors to the exhibition in the bank, which I updated today with some archival photos of the rigging of a new jibboom and refurbished bowsprit in 1996, using traditional rigging techniques, according to the old Danish sailor's "bible" Jens Kusk. Pia Jensen, the bank's private customer chief helped rearrange the exhibition, so that it works better visually for visitors. Thanks Pia!

We wish the meeting on Thursday good inspiration, and look forward to hearing what the outcome will be. We also expect that there will be more new members at the end of the month!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Over 100,000kr Today!

'Anne Margrethe' membership deposits passed 100,000 kr. today.

The membership drive is going well, but there is a likelihood that we will need to extend the period. Thomas will be meeting with Peter Ring-Andersen, the owner of the shipyard, to work out details.
Some correspondence and questions from prospective members indicates that there is a legitimate need to know about how much the annual dues will be! This is difficult to answer, because it will be the founding general meeting which has the authority to decide! However, Thomas Bretton-Meyer has said that his experience shows that it should not be less than 250 kr. nor more than 500 kr per year. Members of the association will not be responsible for creating debt, unless the question is put to the annual general meeting. Otherwise noone will be responsible for more than the annual membership fee.

I will be travelling home to be with my parents from the 2oth March until 11th April.

Translation of the item in the local Svendborg newspaper yesterday is faithfully brought here:

Ketch Gets More and More Friends
The rescue project for the old Svendborg ship 'Anne Margrethe ' is going well

By Bjarne Gregersen

Svendborg: Thomas Bretton-Meyer, the leader of the rescue project for the old Svendborg ketch, which is still called 'Fri', is going really well, he reports.
He is collecting the means to acquire the ship for an association, which will be called Association for the Preservation of 'Anne Margrethe'. The ship had that beautiful girl's name, when launched in 1912 from J. Ring-Andersens Shipyard in Svendborg
"We have over 100,000 kr in the account at Svendborg Sparekasse, and I know that really many more are interested, so it's just a question of time before the amount increases even more, " says Thomas Bretton-Meyer.
Via the Danish Commercial Fleet's Welfare Council information is being sent about the rescue action to all Danish ships, wherever in the world they may be. And that should very well awaken practical interest among seafarers.
The idea is that there are being sold parts á 5,000 kr.,(sic) (NB not true!

Monday, March 12, 2007

More Shipping Lines Join

Sorry, our Internet connection was down for four days!
But good news on a Monday morning: two more shipping lines, Boye TC, and M H Simonsen have joined. Michael Moodie, of Bethesda, Maryland, navigator on the San Francisco to NZ passage in 1971 joined today! As the membership increases and people help to get new members we are expecting this week to be the best to date. The association account now stands at 95,000 kr.
Scuttlebutt has it that this is going to succeed! A positive note: when the ship was raised after she went down at the dock in 2004, the diving company director Frank Larsen confided that he had never seen a salvage operation succeed like that one. On the first try! with all pumps functioning! and with such an amazing cooperation between volunteers and professionals!
That's the spirit of 'Fri'.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Nordane and Stevns Shipping joins

Niels Højlund's three shipping companies, Nordane, Stevns Towage and Stevns Shipping have each purchased a membership in the 'Anne Margrethe' association. The balance stands at 75,000 crowns in the account today! Welcome aboard!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Exhibition at Svendborg Sparekasse

As membership deposits have reached the goal of 1 tenth of the total, 65,000 DKK, our fine little exhibition at Svendborg Sparekasse is attracting attention. For those who haven't joined the association yet, a set of proposed by-laws is available on the blog, below, and banking info is included in the blog header above.

In the public lobby at the bank we've arranged a museum case containing the rare original registration papers for the ship, dated Sept. 6, 1912, and signed by the yard's owner and Mastershipbuilder, Jonannes Ring Andersen. Also in the glass case is the sextant Michael Moodie used on 'Fri's trans Pacific voyage in 1971. It is a Husun, made in Great Britain in 1940. The ship's State inspection book (Skibstilsynsbog) is also displayed. Opened to it's first page, it shows the second name of the ship-- 'Knudsine', an aux. schooner in 1926, and then the subsequent name changes to 'Elsbeth', aux. ketch, and 'Sølyst' ditto. This book records many of the repairs and events, including collisions, in the ship's life between 1926 and 1968.

A folding wall display is full of other documents and pictures from the ship's early life, including a photo of the Claus and Anne Margrethe Grastrup family, the ship's first owners. The grandson of the first skipper, Jørgen Grastrup Hansen has promised to loan the bank the original charcoal drawing of the ship for the exhibition, and other memorabilia from the family's collection.

Thomas Bretton Meyer, the leader of the association under formation is now getting help from other active maritime personalities, including Karsten Kharge, who is chairman of the Wooden Ship Owner's Association, and Martin Stockholm, the coordinator of the Maritime Center.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Proposed Bylaws

Here you can see the Proposed Bylaws of the Sailing vessel ’Anne Margrethe! #112 Association.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Positive Reactions to Meeting at Maritime Center

Wednesday evening was a turning point for the association. Here's what the local paper wrote on Thursday:

Fyns Amst Avis (Funens County News) Thursday March 1, 2007

Positive Reaction about saving ‘Fri’

Already 50,000 kr. in the bank

Svendborg: "The possibility of getting a real Svendborg ship, owned by Svendborg, is within reach,” Thomas Bretton-Meyer said, after an orientation meeting about the rescue action for the ketch ‘Fri’ last night in the Maritime Center. Over 30 positively minded folk attended the thorough orientation on the whole project. The idea is to have at least 120 private persons, firms and institutions to pay 5,000 kr. deposits for memberships. In that way the association can acquire the vessel, which was launched from J. Ring-Andersens Shipyard as ‘Anne Margrethe’.

The association thereafter will raise money by applying to foundations to support the renovation, which will make the vessel seaworthy, so that it can represent Svendborg as a maritime town.

Thomas Bretton-Meyer is pleased that 50,000 kr. has already been deposited in the newly opened escrow account at Svendborg Sparekasse.

Many in Svendborg have shown interest in the project, both in and outside the maritime circuit. One shipowner has deposited for three shares.


So, now the weeks until March 21 are the deciding moments of this effort. It was really encouraging to see who was at the meeting. I must say it was in the spirit of 'Fri' with a cross section of the community.... people from the waterfront including skippers from charter and historical vessels, a successful cargo and services shipowner of large vessels, shipwrights, an official from the town's schools, small shipowners and musicians, a wealthy and eccentric doctor who also owns a smaller historical vessel, and several people totally outside the waterfront community- just interested in a challenging project!

People were given a complete run through of the basic by-laws proposed and the mechanism of the purchase, with the escrow account holding membership deposits at Svendborg Sparekasse, which money is refundable and only administered by the bank until the 650,000 kr purchase price is reached. Then an agreement must be signed by Ring Andersens Shipyard and myself for the turning over of the ship to the association. The founding meeting of the Association was announced as March 21st.

A curious and informed questioning followed the presentation by Thomas Bretton-Meyer. I was able to give a complete rundown on the extensive repairs made to the ship since 1981 in Amsterdam where the entire deck and its substructure was renewed. Then a period from 1990 to 2004 at Ring Andersens where the entire freeboard of the ship down to several planks under the waterline has been renewed including many frames and stanchions as well. Also the transom has been completely rebuilt. The hull has been certified by inspectors from the Danish Søfartsstyrelsen (Maritime Agency) as conforming to the standards of a Danish registered vessel of a similar age, in 1997, and that the ship after registration in 2000 in the Danish ship's registry, passed her first underwater state inspection with ordinary remarks about a regime of renewal already underway.

An experienced local sail captain in the charter and young persons rehabilitation business interrupted Thomas Bretton-Meyer's sales pitch towards the end of the meeting and said "Thomas, stop! You've already sold us, this is a good project and we support it!" A round of applause was given to Thomas. So when we counted twenty one addresses and signatures on the list which went around the meeting, we feel certain that there are not only most who will give a deposit, but also many ready to put out the word to others and get the job done!

I wanted to let you all know that the efforts of 'Fri' folk around the world were also mentioned at the meeting, and got a laugh when Thomas had to admit that Gilbert and Marie Nicolas' Friends of Fri Association, with their gift of 30,000 kr made the international community the leader at this point in the project!
I told about the group gathering memberships in NZ , and the efforts in San Francisco, and that we have members coming from Hong Kong and the UK and Germany. I also was happy to announce that Jørgen, the grandson of the first skipper, Claus Grastrup, has offered to send the original charcoal drawing of the ship and other memorabilia from his family. These will be exhibited at Svendborg Sparekasse during this membership drive.

There was a very positive atmosphere, and several of those in attendance came with news of others who've already said yes to contribute and join. Thomas left the next afternoon to attend the Danish Navigator's Association annual general meeting--- they are the captains who sail the coasters and bulk carriers, ferries and giant container ships. His son is a member and sails with Mærsk. We expect a number of memberships to come from their ranks. I gave Helene Tiama's apology for her not being able to attend, and told of her efforts to gather members from her former crewmates on the schoolship Georg Stage. Liv Anne Margrethe was present at the meeting too.

The following address has been established as a forum for Fri people during this transition at least!
A little background about Fri in Danish and English and info about my Christiansborg ship mobile to support the project is at

We're hoping for a genuine international response for this great effort to preserve a very unusual vessel and create a viable future for her! Thanks to Thomas Bretton-Meyer at !

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Orientation Meeting Feb. 28, 1900 hrs Maritime Center, Svendborg

Orientation Meeting! Future of the Ring Andersen schooner 'Anne Margrethe' builder's no. 112 of 1912
Wednesday, 28th Feb. 2007 at the Maritime Center in Svendborg
1900 hrs.

Organizer Thomas Bretton-Meyer will give an update on membership in the new association being formed to buy the ketch 'Fri', ex 'Anne Margrethe' of Haderslev, ex 'Knudsine' of Vejle, ex 'Elsbeth' of Vejle, ex 'Sølyst' of Grenaa, ex 'Fri af Aalborg', ex 'Fri of San Francisco'.

Proposed by-laws of the association under formation, and rules about the secure "escrow" account for membership deposits will be presented. Svendborg Sparekasse has agreed to administer the account, in which deposits cannot be touched until the association has been formed and an agreement reached between the association and the owner about purchase of the ship. Founding general meeting is expected to be announced-- 21st March 2007.

Thomas Bretton-Meyer has plumbed the local waters and found tremendous interest in this Svendborg project. The oldest of Ring Andersen's ships under the Danish flag needs a new owner to sail her into Svendborg's future! This meeting will focus on how local fund raising can secure the ship's future here in conjunction with the Maritime Center.

The meeting will highlight how this project can help set the standard for realization of a new chapter in the Maritime Centers activities in cooperation with Svendborg Tourist Office. Visions for an active Maritime Center, where 'Fri'/'Anne Margrethe' can be a kind of trademark for the town will also be presented.

The meeting will bring a wide variety of interests in the town together in support of a proud tradition. 'Fri' was built byJohannes Ring Andersen, the son of the founder Jørgen Ring Andersen, whose great grandson Peter Ring-Andersen has maintained and renewed the ship at the yard for the last nearly twenty years. Peter's father Jørgen Ring-Andersen welcomed the ship home in Sept. 1987 and was always helpful in historical matters concerning the ship, including sharing books from the shipyard's library and being interviewed for an extensive article about the shipyard, whichMoodie wrote for the well known American magazine Wooden Boat.

A short video appeal from owner David Moodie will be shown, which includes pictures and a quick sketch of the ship's unique history. Historical documents among the extraordinary collection held by the owner and the shipyard will be displayed.

All are welcome, also with ideas about how this project can be something special for us in Svendborg, and help to present what is special about Svendborg to the rest of the world!

With individual permission from you we will add your address and email to the list of Fri Addresses

We hope that the site will give people the chance from the crews of (for example) PLENTY International Caribbean 1983 to be in touch with the OOA tour crews from Denmark in 1980, or the HK crew to Singapore in '76 to be in touch with the Maputo to Cornwall crew in '78-79.
(originally uploaded saturday, february 24, 2007)
A complete list, more or less, will let us and others appreciate the wealth of experience and geography we share. Although the focus of this blog is preserving 'Fri', it is obvious that the story is mostly about people-- people PUMPING! No, no kidding, it's a story of care obviously, for each other and the planet, and the ship was the vessel of that care!

Voilá! Saving the ship may give us the chance to rekindle contacts, tell stories about intercultural marriages and the many kids who've come into this world because of the voyages of 'Fri'! And to be a link to the incredibly diverse and quite astoundingly positive contributions people have made with their lives since serving on 'Fri'.

Hope people will be honored to join this list and keep 'Fri' alive in that way.
PS Note the little envelope below right, with it you can send this post to someone you think might like or need to be on the list!
Here comes the news of the day, 23 feb.
Next Wednesday is the orientation meeting at the Maritime Center in Svendborg, 1900 hrs.
Bank account: Svendborg Sparekasse

  • 0815
  • konto nr. 0000836222
  • Swift kode SP NO DK 22
  • IBAN nr. DK4208150000836222

Inquiries from San Francisco, California about how and when to integrate Norman de Valls documents, films and photos from the great Tuborg and Guinness passage in 1969
Also inquiries from SFprofessional maritime charter man John Sylvester about details of costs of renovation and likelihood of success of this new owner project
Great news from Gilbert and Marie Nicolas in Quimper, their group has sent4,ooo Euros to the account (about 28,000 kr.)
Great news from NZ Henk Haazen and Martini Gotje are spearheading a group effort there to get several memberships together
From Germany Hans Paret has questioned if the by-laws shouldn't include a sentence about the use of the ship for justice, peace and the environment, for example. Questions if the ship is to be a picnic outing vessel for the association members....

BLOG Launch Friwwworld

Hi around the Blueball,
This blog is for Friiks and ex crew, and supporters, family and clowns in the Fri Circus!
Now is TRANSITION TIME! Uha. Moodie has to let go. We have to help Fri find a new life, and trust that her good karma will be like the keel of whatever new will be built up around her amazing past.
Here is a place where we can meet and share ideas about how to help this happen. Tell stories. Make suggestions. Meet each other. And maybe rave with each other's kids,or whatever a hangout might findout.
Help is welcome and needed. I'm a virgin blogger. Sounds like a dangerous deal